Animal Welfare Laws

The animal welfare laws address issues around animal abuse, cruelty and neglect. It is important to understand the laws enacted in the Philippines in order to ensure humane treatment of our animals and promote their welfare.

Republic Act 8485 – Animal Welfare Act of 1998

An Act to promote animal welfare in the Philippines, otherwise known as “The Animal Welfare Act of 1998”.

The Animal Welfare Act of 1998 is the first law in the Philippines that aimed to protect the welfare of animals by prohibiting acts of cruelty towards animals, such as maltreatment, torture, killing, and neglect. The animal welfare law also regulates the sale, transport, and handling of animals to ensure their welfare. Violators of this law may face penalties, including fines and imprisonment.

SECTION 7. It shall be the duty of every person to protect the natural habitat of the wildlife. The destruction of said habitat shall be considered as a form of cruelty to animals and its preservation is a way of protecting the animals.

Presidential Decree No. 1602 – The Anti-Cruelty Law

The Anti-Cruelty Law is penalizes acts of cruelty to animals. It includes acts such as beating, torturing, or killing animals, as well as organizing animal fights or using animals for experimentation without proper authority. The use of poison, dangerous drugs, or chemicals to kill or capture animals is also prohibited under this law.

Republic Act 10631 – Philippine Animal Welfare Act of 2013

An Act amending certain sections of Republic Act No. 8485, otherwise known as “The Animal Welfare Act of 1998”.

This animal welfare law strengthens the Animal Welfare Act of 1998 by providing stricter penalties for animal cruelty. It includes higher fines and longer imprisonment terms for offenders. The law also includes provisions on responsible pet ownership, such as the requirement for pet owners to have their pets vaccinated, registered, and properly cared for.

Republic Act 9482

This Act provides for the control, prevention of the spread and eventual eradication of human and animal rabies.

A National Rabies Prevention and Control Program shall be established, and its functions shall include the following: mass vaccination of dogs; establishment of a central database system for registered and vaccinated dogs; impounding, field control and disposition of unregistered and unvaccinated dogs; promoting information and education campaigns on the prevention and control of rabies. The Act further provides for the following matters: responsibilities of pet owners, government agencies and local government units; dog population control; and penalties.