How to set up Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) in your community

CARA is here to help support and guide you. But we MUST DO IT TOGETHER. To set up a Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) of stray cats in your community, do the following first.

1. Get support – try to form a TNR group consisting of like-minded cat lovers; it is much easier working in a team. CARA can help you with the initial training and will always be on hand for advice.

2. Associations backing – approach your association, show them this information and see if they are interested in financially backing the project. Unfortunately most associations do not see the long term benefits, they just see expenses.

3. Costs – there are initial set up costs and ongoing running costs. You need to prepare for this.

world spay day photos 1

Neuter/Spay day at the CARA clinic

How to set up costs

For TNR you will need the following items:

  • Traps
  • Recovery cages
  • Bowls for food and water
  • Old blankets/towels (to cover cages)

You must also take into account running costs:

Food for cats in recovery

Spay and neuter fee (P650 for females & P850 for males at the CARA Clinic)

  • Fundraising – Ideally the costs should be covered by the association. If the association will not help, then another source of funds has to be found. It is then time to get creative and think of ways to raise money.
  • Approach residents; it is going to benefit them if you trap outside their houses, no more cats howling in the night. Hold a fund-raising event (e.g. hold a concert; organize a garage or bake sale; sell gift items and used books). Get sponsorship.
  • Transport – You will need to be able to transport the cats to the CARA clinic for surgery and return them back. If you don’t live near the CARA clinic, we might be able to recommend a clinic near you who would offer discounted spay and neuter.
  • Recovery area – there needs to be a quiet secure area where the cats can recover.

If you feel ready to get started, please contact CARA.

CARA Clinic
175 Lopez Rizal St. cor. Samat St., Mandaluyong City
+632 5323340 /0919 5790047

TNR of stray cats

Click for more information about TNR.



Reposted from the CARA archive