Please do these 3 Small Things for your Pets

These three small things will benefit your pets in big ways.

  1. Regularly check your pet’s collar

This is important because not all collars stretch as our pets grow in size. It can cause pain and constraint if not properly loosened. To know if your pet’s collar is just right, you should be able to slip two fingers between the collar and your pet’s neck.

It is sad to know that there are irresponsible owners who put collars to puppies and kittens and then later abandon them, causing marks and wounds when the animals become full-grown.

  1. Don’t let your pets stick their head outside the car.

We know most dogs love doing this but sticking their heads out the car window can cause irritation. Foreign materials could get into their eyes and nose. Small foreign objects can scratch and even puncture the dog’s eyes. The worst possible danger is your pet falling out of the car. There’s also the danger from other vehicles.  So as much as we love that look of sheer pleasure on our dog’s face during a car ride, I think we shouldn’t allow them to stick their heads out the open window.

  1. Keep an emergency pet information card in your wallet.

This small act can be very helpful especially if you live alone with your pet. Keep a card or a small note in your wallet that gives information about your pet in case of an emergency. Make sure it contains the following:

  • Your pet’s location
  • Number of pets
  • Name and breeds of pets
  • Person to contact who will care for your pets

These are some small ways in which we can ensure our beloved pets’ well-being and security. Remember, “Small acts when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”


Please help CARA educate the country about responsible pet ownership, spaying and neutering, and fostering or adopting rescued pets!

Photos: Sources