FAQ: What is CARA Welfare Philippines?

CARA Welfare Philippines - animal welfare - volunteer group

CARA stands for Compassion and Responsibility for Animals. It was founded in 2000 by a group of animal welfare advocates with the mission of promoting responsible pet ownership, spay-neuter of pets and stray animals, and pet adoption.

We operate a low-cost vet clinic in Mandaluyong to help cover some of the cost of running an organization that is completely run by volunteers.

We are not a government agency. Our volunteers do not get paid for their efforts. We do what we do because we care for animals. 

CARA Welfare Philippines - animal welfare - volunteer group

In the next weeks, expect a series of informational posts featuring questions that are frequently asked of CARA. We hope this will help clarify some issues and concerns about what CARA is and what we do.

See the rest of the FAQs here.