FAQ: What does CARA do?

CARA Welfare Philippines - animal welfare - volunteer group
  • We operate a low-cost vet clinic in Mandaluyong.

  • We manage a sanctuary for rescued pit bulls, rehabilitating and preparing them for adoption into loving homes.

  • We educate the public about pet adoption, responsible pet ownership, and spaying or neutering your pets through events, talks in schools and institutions, social media, and this website.

  • We work with communities to conduct trap-neuter-return (TNR) programs that will help control the street animal population.

  • We work with local government units and other organizations to drive policies and address issues related to animal welfare. 

CARA Welfare Philippines - animal welfare - volunteer group

In the next weeks, expect a series of informational posts featuring questions that are frequently asked of CARA. We hope this will help clarify some issues and concerns about what CARA is and what we do.

See the rest of the FAQs here.