FAQ: Why help animals?

CARA Welfare Philippines - animal welfare - volunteer group

There’s often a silent “and not humans” attached to this question. It’s a misconception, however. Helping animals and helping humans are not mutually exclusive. Caring for animals actually makes us better human beings. The desire to help humans and animals, the desire to protect the environment, and the desire to fight for a host of other causes all came from the same place–compassion.

When we fight animal abuse, we help protect humans who may eventually suffer from the hands of these animal abusers. Animal welfare advocates are helping create a society that is civilized and compassionate.

We encourage you to figure out where your heart lies and then choose to support that cause. If we each do our part, we will succeed in making a difference in the world.

Read more about this issue here.

CARA Welfare Philippines - animal welfare - volunteer group

In the next weeks, expect a series of informational posts featuring questions that are frequently asked of CARA. We hope this will help clarify some issues and concerns about what CARA is and what we do.

See the rest of the FAQs here.